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How am I supposed to legitimately kill Playful Darkness? (Core) : Pathfinder_Kingmaker
Main Post: How am I supposed to legitimately kill Playful Darkness? (Core) : Pathfinder_Kingmaker
What gives a polka its distinct playful sound : musictheory
Main Post: What gives a polka its distinct playful sound : musictheory
Playful teasing and why it works.
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Teasing someone in a friendly manner is an amazing way to strengthening one's bond with that other person. Say there's that one girl you've been talking to and you want to get to know her better. A good way of getting closer to her is by poking a little fun (just not too much, because it goes overboard and that person will become annoyed). You can steal her pencil case and make her reach for it, hid it completely, etc. But why does this work?
I found an article explaining the appeal behind a type of character called a "tsundere" character (it's more prevalent in anime). "Tsundere" is a character type that is initially hostile, but warms up to another after some time. Here's that article: http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/116164-Science-Explains-Tsundere-Appeal
The same applies here. Teasing is what we see happen in video 3 (if you looked at the article). You start off by being a difficult and more or less unpleasant person being playful, getting on their nerves ever so slightly, but then you ease up later. Any thoughts on this? Just kind of me putting 2 and 2 together.
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You start off by being a difficult and more or less unpleasant person
Woah woah woah. No. Not unpleasant. Difficult, kind of, but fun difficult.
I would also recommend not using anime as a model for social interaction. And the methodology of the study seems to say they asked people watching the interactions what they thought - not people taking part in those interactions. That's a very different perspective and experience.
Handle with care.
How much do you appreciate playfulness in women?
Main Post: How much do you appreciate playfulness in women?
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what about naked minigolf?
If a man seems to enjoy a lady being playful with him and he himself initiates more playfulness from time to time, is this a sign of interest? Or just feeling friendly and comfortable?
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Co worker (male) I am a female, male co worker and I have been interacting more lately and being playful with each other. Is playfulness a sign of interest when a man displays this? There is a lot of looking, smiling, friendliness and teasing. I cannot tell at this point as to what it means and what his intentions are. Any insight? We fake try to trip each other or block each others way, or he will fall into the wall sometimes and be like, oh you scared me. Or he has play whispered to me before when I had to ask him something, things like that. Also, deep eye contact at certain times. Mix between what seems intense and playful. He also seems to focus in on my eyes a lot. He is kind to me and respectful but he is a nice guy. Sometimes seems he wants to know me more and other times I think otherwise. Not sure if he feels shy around me when we arent being playful or if he is unsure of what my intent is?
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This man wants you. Badly.
How to deal with "playful" conversations and respond appropriately
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Hi. I've just started a new job and one of the hardest things in the work setting for me, is when a boss or someone of the like starts up a playful conversation with me. Example: My boss brushed by me today and she dropped a receipt and said, "Why did you make me drop that?!" (It was in an obviously playful tone-- and I find these conversations to be fun, but they honestly kill me) to which I normally respond with the most awkward red-faced laugh and with my hands very nervously crossed over my body. My boss seems like someone I might be able to get along with but it's these conversations that get me nowhere. Another example of these conversations is when I asked what the bread cooking was and she jokingly said, "Those are our brains!!" again sort of a dead end. Sometimes I can muster a response but a lot of the time I come out so so awkward. Does anyone have good advice for this?
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Her jokes sound awful.
Playful adults have more romantic partners, study finds.
Main Post: Playful adults have more romantic partners, study finds.
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So I read the article. Men who are "other-directed playful" (definition: enjoy playing games with others) and women who are "whimsically playful" (who enjoy strange and unfamiliar situations) are more likely to have more short and long term relationships. There is no correlation for men and women and relationships in other categories of playfulness they devised.
This makes sense to me because I think men who are more social will have more romantic partners, and women who are more open to taking risks and chances will have more partners as well.
If a girl is playful with you, does it mean she has feelings for you?
Main Post: If a girl is playful with you, does it mean she has feelings for you?
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